Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wiki leaks and Julian Assange

Since i guess past two weeks the term wiki leaks is to be seen on every newspaper.WikiLeaks is an international non-profit organisation that publishes the secrets of countries lyk it was wikileaks that disclosed the indian names in swiss bank, the corruption scandals in inda n all. n Julian Assange is the editor in chief of this wiki leaks. It gets these in formations from the private n secret media submissions from anonymous news sources.. news leaks.. n whistleblowers (person who tells the authority about the illegal happenings going on in goverment places).It has been whistleing these trumpets since 2006 when it was launched and it recieved a database (bole to secrets) of more than 1.2 million documents within one year of its launch. The primary aim was to expose the oppresive, behind the curtain things which otherwise never wud have got the light.It ensures that the whistle-blowers are not jailed for emailing these sensitive documents.. n it feels that this whistle-blowing is essential for any democracy becoz because the only way we can know whether information is legitimately kept secret is when it is revealed ....  

It has been occupying a spectrum of views n space in every standard newspaper of country  since many months.Not only in India but in a lot of countries lyk iraq,sweden,US. When talking bout India Julian Assange  said the “tremendous” anti-corruption movement building up in India is a result of the publication of “cablegate” revelations by The Hindu and he gave the example of Anna Hazzare.Taking alone the articles of The Economic Times we can write a full lenght history book on corruptions. The bofors scandal:the purchase of Bofors guns from Sweden,bribery in the July 2008 trust vote over the India-US nuclear deal... and a lot more.

Now the repected leaders are in mess of how to over turn it all.. and becaz the best way to defend is to attack.. they say wikileaks are not authenticate and dat it cannot be verified.this is again a clear show of being guilty. rather than shining their white collars by showing their authenticate and verified proofs n giving these allegations a clean chit, they are busy downsizing the whole issue. After all a lot of facts that came out of this cable has been sounded correct it tough to cross the forthcomming columns.

If these news can be signaled in wikileaks cables .. theirs no denying that even the countrymen were aware of all this.. a lot of "Few of them". Why dont you blow the whistle here ppl. Two things are worth stating - its defiguring the shape of India and if these facts were put up before the loss cud have been have been less. 

Anyway Julian  ur doing grt job.. its tought with the fundings, financing, pressures, legal and operational challenges, but grt going boss. stay blessed.

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